Malayalam Christmas Songs | New Malayalam Christmas Songs 2023 | vinnin adhipan
Malayalam Christmas Songs | New Malayalam Christmas Songs 2023 | vinnin adhipan
Malayalam Christmas Songs | New Malayalam Christmas Songs 2023 | vinnin adhipan
A beautiful Christmas carol song to sing and worship the Lord in churches and other events. Listen to this song if you like it.
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Lyrics : Jisha DV
Vox : Deva Pradeep
Tune : Rev.Shibu Solomon Vilappil
Music Arrangement : Sam Malayam
Mixing : Sam Malayam
Recording : Sarangi Studio Malayam
Camera : Dr.Ashiq , Dr. Amal
Visual Editing : Rev.Shibu Solomon Vilappil
ഈ ഗാനത്തിന്റെ കരോക്കെ ആവശ്യമുള്ളവർ താഴെ കാണുന്ന വാട്സാപ്പ് നമ്പറിൽ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക. (സൗജന്യമായി നൽകുന്നതാണ് )
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വിണ്ണിൻ അധിപൻ മണ്ണിൻ ഒളിയായ്
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Hi! I am Rev. Shibu Solomon Vilappil.
Founder of Emi Gospel Media, Priest & Motivational Speaker.
We are sharing the gospel in the form of Malayalam Christian Messages, Malayalam Bible Study, Malayalam Christian Devotional Songs, Malayalam Christmas Carol Songs, Christian Action Songs, Motivational Stories, Malayalam Bible Class, Malayalam Worship Songs, English Christian Messages, Psalm Reading, Christian Classical dance, Malayalam Christian testimonies, Malayalam Bible Stories, Motivational Speech, Malayalam Christian Live Messages, daily Biblical Thoughts etc.
Contact us : 8156868696
Email : emigospelmedia@gmail.com
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